
What we do

Humberwood is a live-in, non-medical treatment centre located in Corner Brook. If you are a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador and over the age of 19, Humberwood may be able to help with your drug, alcohol and/or gambling concerns.

Humberwood offers a structured program that focuses on your needs through individual, group and family counselling. There are private rooms and the usual stay is 21 days.

How to access this service

Most people go to counselling or other programs first, but if you feel that you need residential services, ask your physician, nurse or counsellor about Humberwood. They can assist with a referral (PDF) if Humberwood is right for you.

How to reach us

Telephone: 709-634-4506.

You can get more information on Western Health’s Humberwood website.

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Last updated: 2020-10-26