For Health Professionals
As physicians and health-care professionals, we know you want to provide the best possible care to your patients and clients.
We have developed this comprehensive web site to be your first-stop for reliable, up-to-date information about all aspects of mental health and addictions services. With this website, we hope to provide you with the information and contacts you need to be well-informed as you care for your clients.
General resources
Project ECHO NL: Opioid Use Disorder
Project ECHO NL: Opioid Use Disorder, is a virtual community advancing care and treatment for opioid use disorder in Newfoundland and Labrador. The goal is to help primary care providers and their teams build capacity in the treatment and management of opioid use disorder. ECHO learning sessions are designed around case-based learning and mentorship and support health-care providers in gaining the knowledge and skills required to provide needed services in their regions.
Learning lessons are now available for health providers. Find out more about Project ECHO NL: Opioid Use Disorder and how to register.